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Visible Light book by Brian Vu


✩Number of Pages: 72 Pages • Edition: 100 • Size: 6x9in

✩✩Type of Printing: Full-color matte, and saddle-stitched.

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The natural world faces an artificial one. Looking closely at these two extremes, I can see that my work highlights their similarities and differences. I’m attracted to how synthetic materials interact with human beings so I repurpose them as an extension of the body.

Gender and sexuality are directly shown to gain independence from conservatism. Individuality is highly encouraged, fulfillment is no longer just about success but also about integrity and expression. The photographs can be seen in one sense as metaphors of the human condition, or in another, as portraits of an unfamiliar species.

Aesthetically, I am engaged by the idea of changing the public’s view on beauty by photographing an anonymous person within moments of vulnerability. The extremity of the colors may interpret as attractive but when apposed with an aggressive subject raises the question of order/disorder. It’s a reality that is mirrored with an illusion.

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